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前段时间,由于项目需要,产品中需要多增加一路CAN总线接口。CAN总线方案是ATMEL ARM9 + MCP2515。

此前已经有两路CAN总线接口了。以我对linux MCP2515驱动的熟悉,增加一路CAN总线接口的驱动不是难事。另人意外的是,在应用层的使用上,居然碰到了点意外。主要是关于bit-timing not yet defined错误。记录如下。





# ifconfig can2 up
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument


mcp251x spi1.0: bit-timing not yet defined
mcp251x spi1.0: unable to set initial baudrate!

查看网上信息,原文(出处:How to configure and use CAN bus),如下说明:

bit-timing not yet defined

First run

ip link set can0 type can bitrate 125000 triple-sampling on

then run

ifconfig can0 up


# ip link set can0 type can bitrate 250000

ip: either “dev” is duplicate, or “type” is garbage

查网上信息,这是由于文件系统中的ip命令不支持设置CAN速率,原文(出处:CAN bus Linux driver)如下:

  • Set the bitrate before all operations

Example: Set the bitrate of the can0 interface to 125kbps:

# ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 125000

Note: An error occurs when you try to set the bitrate with an old Linux kernel.

  • If the following error occurs when you do the last instruction :
ip: either "dev" is duplicate, or "type" is garbage

check that this command:

# which ip

return this message:


and not this one :


If the binary is installed in /bin instead of /sbin, the executable file is a link to busybox and the command to set the bitrate doesn’t work on busybox

  • Once the driver is installed and the bitrate is set, the CAN interface has to be started like a standard net interface:
 # ifconfig can0 up
  • and can be stopped like that:
 # ifconfig can0 down



  1. 为了使设置的CAN通讯波特率生效,先用ifconfig can2 down命令关闭CAN接口;
  2. 然后,操作linux can接口之前,必须先设置CAN通讯波特率,再使用ifconfig can2 up命令启用CAN接口;


 # echo 250000 > /sys/class/net/can2/can_bittiming/bitrate


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